
People's Weekly World (CPUSA)

About the People's World

The People's World / Mundo Popular is a national, grassroots newspaper and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker. Published by Long View Publishing Co., the PW reports on and analyzes the pressing issues and struggles of the day: for workers' rights, peace, equality, social and economic justice, democracy, civil liberties, women's rights, protection of the environment, and more.
The PW is known for its partisan coverage. We take sides - for truth and justice. We are partisan to the working class, racially and nationally oppressed peoples, women, youth, seniors, international solidarity, Marxism and socialism. We enjoy a special relationship with the Communist Party USA, founded in 1919, and publish its news and views.
Since the first issue of the Daily Worker came off the press in 1924, our press has been in the battles of the U.S. working class and people's movements. From the battles of the unemployed and the campaigns to organize the CIO, through the civil rights and peace movements of the 1960s and '70s to the struggles that have given us the "new" labor movement, to the people's upsurge that elected our first African American president, and now the growing movement for a progressive, people's agenda - we've been there.
The PW is part of the independent and free press tradition, and now the growing netroots movement, in the U.S. We are funded exclusively by our readers - no corporate money. With a small staff and a network of volunteers, we are proud to put out what many call "the best labor newspaper in the country."

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