Statement on the criminal Israel

Statement on the criminal Israeli attack on the International solidarity Convoy

Tudeh Party of Iran

June 01, 2010,

Tudeh Party of Iran condemns in the strongest terms the deliberate and provocative attack by the Israeli commandos earlier today against the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance for the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza.

The Israeli forces have shot dead scores of solidarity activists from across the world that were accompanying a cargo of food, medical supplies and building materials. According to the international news agencies at least 16 people have been reported murdered and 27 more injured.  There are hundreds of solidarity activists on board the flotilla amongst them members of parliaments, Members of the European Parliaments and politician from many countries.  

This unlawful and murderous attack, committed by the Israeli government, constitutes a flagrant violation of the most basic principles of the international law.   The United States and the EU also bear responsibility for this heinous crime because without their tacit support and encouragements Israeli state would not be in a position to ignore the international public opinion and flout international law. 

Tudeh Party of Iran joins with the humanitarian, pro-peace and progressive forces from  the Middle East and across the world to condemn this criminal action by the Israeli authorities and to demand that Israel to face up to all its obligations as defined in numerous UN resolutions.   

Tudeh Party of Iran calls on the Iranian progressive forces to condemn this unlawful and barbaric act of the Israeli government and extend their solidarity to the Palestinian people struggling for a just solution to the Palestinian problem and return to their homes in accordance to international law and on the basis of the UN resolutions. 

Tudeh Party of Iran expresses its solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people to end the occupation of their lands and the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Central Committee of Tudeh Party of Iran

31 May 2010