A day like few Jeronimo Carrera Communist Party of Venezuela March 6, 2010 (To Mary Leon INAMUJER cordially) Translated from Google Translator The importance of meaning for all humanity, without exaggeration, the date of March 8 as International Women's Day, has become almost unbeatable. It strikes me that only the celebration of May 1st, International Workers Day, it is similar in scope and purpose. But it is in this sense that today I come to this date, but rather in terms of concrete outcomes that result for men and women of our country and around the world, the growing struggle for what has been to qualify as "gender equality" and that I'd rather seen more as a part of the centuries-fight for all mankind, from the earliest times, for freedom from all forms of oppression. For it is a struggle which essentially seeks the release of female labor, in all its many variants, you should not forget that home is not limited to, the oppression of women by her husband, who has been so far more common, but is also expressed in the exploitation of women bourgeois capitalists really make the work of women workers, whether in business or so-called "service work". There is no denying that our women here in Venezuela have gained much ground, especially in areas of public figuration, after the demise of that dictatorship medieval Gomez until 1935 was introduced to us from oil, run by Yankees and British. So now we see that in the seven decades since then, new forms of dictatorship, sometimes disguised in some way to democracies, have trained in our universities a large number of women graduates with different specialties, and many of them highly qualified. This means a great achievement for a country known as the "third world". We have now I do not know how many women ministers in national government and a huge amount in positions of importance throughout the country, but the public at large continues as before, very poor, ie it is not a gender issue. Therefore, I consider a great mistake to fight the so-called "gender balance", since what is efficiency should be required of either the man or woman. Now there's true equality. I remember that in Prague, WFTU, back in my street Opletalova remembered, had once argued about it and someone said that women and men had only a very small difference. Then a beautiful companion, Helen, stood up and launched the slogan: "Long live the small difference ...!" Everyone applauded enthusiastically as significant conclusion. Equality in the paper, in legal texts, not worth much if you do not actually embodies. The women's liberation is possible only with the liberation of man. Because women and men face the same destiny as both are goods, as always happens in capitalism, under any of its various forms, even when they dress as socialists. So I called attention to a large study of the EFE news agency, sent from Berlin, entitled "Define the new masculinity"With on title"The women's competition generates increasing insecurity in them"(El NacionalCaracas, 20-2-10, Section Citizens, pp. 3). There, a German professor says, "For now, men face disadvantages in the labor market, even though he still believes in its dominant position. If so, soon we will celebrate International Men's Day ... |