Seminar about the Women’s Question “On the role of communists in the struggle for the parity and emancipation of women” Intervention by Dr Marie Nassif-Debs, Vice General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party Brussels, March 26, 2010 , Introduction To be able to discuss the outcome of the activities carried out by the Lebanese Communist Party regarding the cause of Women Equality and to identify the achievements and shortcomings of these activities we must first recognize the nature of the existing political regime in Lebanon and its effects on elaborating this cause or rather suppressing the role of women as an effective element in society. Indeed the political regime in Lebanon is a class-infested regime; where the bourgeoisie holds the reins of power through its alliance with the residuals of political feudalism. In other words, the political feudal families have lost the economic and financial position as the owner of the lands and what and who is on it - but these families still exert political influence and feudal leadership without any materialistic control. This bourgeoisie hides behind a vertical division of society which allows its members to continue to exert their influence and to reproduce this fundamentally flawed and unjust system. What we mean by the vertical division is the sectarian and religious divisions that renders Lebanon a group of fiefdoms and princedoms and makes its political system like a confederate union between the 18 sects that constitute Lebanon; and at the forefront the main six sects (that is the Maronites, Roman Orthodox and Roman Catholic sects for Christians; and Sunnis, Shiites and Druze sects for Muslims). The sects in general do distinguish between males and females; and do discriminate against women and even between one female and another. In this context, the sects have one thing in common: they all agree on the subordinate inferior role of women in society albeit to varying extents. They also agree on denying women any leadership role in society, especially in the political sphere and within the decision making circles. Furthermore, the Lebanese state, since its inception, has abandoned its right to legislate on any issues related to the Personal Status Law and instead granted this role to the various sectarian authorities. This in turn further complicates the struggle for women liberty and equality and renders a just solution more difficult to achieve. Firstly, the Outcome of the Struggle Until the Last Part of the Twentieth Century On the 24th of October 1924, the Lebanese Communist party was formed thereby beginning a novel type of political movement which relied primarily on the growing working class movement. In its founding manifesto, the party stressed, amongst its priorities of action, the cause of women which since then has attracted a significant part of its struggle and its associated literature. The Party believed, since its inception, that the sectarian problem in Lebanon must be resolved for the benefits of both men and women, through the separation of religion and the state thereby putting an end to the authority of the sects, whether regarding issues affecting the everyday life of citizens or issues affecting the political life within the country. If we want to succinctly recapitulate the path that the party has taken since its inception, we would say that its members (both men and women) were at the forefront of those who called for national independence and who called for equality. In this context, we would like to point out the following important milestones in the path of struggle of our party:
Secondly, the Struggle after the End of the Civil War and Until Today Soon after the end of the Civil War in 1990, the progressive women movement under the leadership of female communists, embarked on a struggle to abolish the laws that discriminate against women. This struggle intensified after 1996, relying on the fact that the Lebanese state ratified the international treaty for the end of discrimination against women (CEDAW). In this context, the establishment of the 'National forum to abolish discrimination again women' had a significant impact in pushing forward the progressive feminist struggle in Lebanon, and in achieving several important milestones, including:
Thirdly, in-between Demanding and Accomplishing A lot has been achieved in the long course of our struggle. However, the communists have a lot of outstanding issues that remain to be achieved as well; especially since the amendment of the laws is insufficient unless it is accompanied by additional laws and mechanisms to transform the law into reality. In this context we must also point out that the role of females in our party has only partially improved, which impacted negatively on the role of female communists within municipal councils. And in this regard we do not mention the parliament where until now our party has been unable to secure the candidacy of any of our nominees mainly because the electoral law divides the parliamentary seats between Muslims and Christians and nomination to the parliament take s place along sectarian lines. As for the ratio of female to male communists within the municipal councils, this has not exceeded 6% up to 2004; while preparations are currently underway to increase this ratio to 15 to 20% at least. Bearing in mind that our demand for the temporary female quota is 30% for two consecutive election rounds after which we are calling for a move for full equality (that is 50%) of representation). Here we must recognize that the objective conditions cannot be solely responsible for the lack of progress of female communists into decision making circles within our party. The 'masculine' mentality and the abatement of the role of women in our party and the corresponding fallback of female membership to 10% as a result of the rise of fundamentalism beginning from the late eighties of the last century and until the Ninth congress which we held in 2004, constitute two main factors which negatively impacted on the number of female communists within both our mid-level and upper-echelon party associations. The female membership has risen modestly to become now 12%. Furthermore, since our tenth congress, which was held approximately one year ago, we have witnessed a qualitative advancement in the presence of women within our central committee and the central supervisory committee. However this advancement remains limited and insufficient and requires more effort to build upon it; especially through the sectoral, mid-level and grass-root level congresses which are currently taking place and which should act as a model in this regard. This is particularly true in view of the important program, which has set objectives and milestones for action for both the current and mid-term future, and which was ratified and endorsed by our tenth congress. Indeed, the 'committee for action amongst women' was formed as a result of this program defined in our Tenth Congress. Fourthly, Suggestions and Recommendations What is lacking in our Lebanese Communist Party is the same as that which is also lacking in the international communist and working class movement: namely the transformation of the slogans of the eight of March regarding women issues, and before that the slogans of the October Revolution, into an effective work-program upon which our movement must base its struggle to achieve equality and abolish discrimination. This is as opposed to the situation now where a female minority is concerned with women issues and continues the struggle in this regard, without effective involvement from the party as a whole, in all its committees and sectors. Indeed it is not enough for a female communist to reach a leadership role within her party as long as the cause of women equality is not being addressed in a proper manner, and where it is often remembered once a year when the month of March comes; bringing with it the memory of those comrades who preceded us in this path of struggle. Therefore in order to maximize the benefit from this meeting, I would like to put forward a series of suggestions and recommendations, which may be summarized as follows:
Finally, I would like to thank the Greek Communist Party for thinking outside the box and not conforming to the adopted tradition regarding the eight of March, and I would also like to thank the Belgium Communist Party for hosting this meeting. Finally, I would like to reiterate: Let us transform the eight of March into a day of evaluation within our parties and movements and as a launching pad towards improving the humane concepts of humankind. Brussels 26/3/2010 Dr Marie Nassif-Debs Vice General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party |